assessment and coaching

five factor assessment
Assessments can be a mixed bag as far as utility, accuracy, and reputation.
The Five Factor Model (FFM) is the gold standard of personality measurement by psychologists and researchers. Among FFM assessments, we have found the WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ to be the best. Heavily researched and validated over time, it is one of the most psychometrically valid and reliable assessments in the industry.
Trent Merchant has been a certified WorkPlace Big Five consultant for nearly a decade, and is accomplished in administering and interpreting the assessment. He has used it as an important tool in both selection and coaching of executive leaders.
Coaching works best when there are clear deliverables and goals, and when it is based on measurable information.
Using Workplace Big Five assessment data as an objective foundation, LTA coaches teams and their leaders to work together more effectively.
We have worked with new leaders... teams that have recently emerged from a re-organization, merger, or acquisition... teams that need to change or implement new processes... and teams that are simply stuck and need an infusion of energy and imagination.
One of our favorite engagements was conducting a seminar for a leadership team that needed to improve its skills in evaluating their talent bench and vetting external candidates. It meant fewer executive search assignments for us, but we strengthened our relationship with the client by providing the help they needed.